First. This is the most amazing computer accessory I have ever seen. I am very happy with the design and impressed with the ‘real life’ experience that inspired it. My unit arrived yesterday and was fun to put together. I even managed to ‘nail’ the seat installation working alone — thanks for the elongated bolt holes! I’m no engineer, but I have practical skills around computers and Porsche restorations <– not a stranger to tools.
The issue.
From the perspective of sitting in the seat, My steering wheel deck is canted down to the right. Saying it differently, the left side of the front assembly is taller than the right side ~3mm. Moving out from the spine the difference is naturally worse. This will be vexing when I install my acrylic table tops.
The spine on my unit is square and true. The welded nuts and flanges are clean and in the right locations. Both the left and right front pieces had straight flanges (no shipping distortion).
There is, however a rather sloppy weld on the right side tube that leads up to the top flange on the spine. I had difficulty lining up the bolts during this assembly step but attributed my troubles to the table-top bracket at that location. I removed the bracket and tried again…same result.
I now think that the height of the right front tubing assembly from the floor to the upper flange bolt hole is off by ~3mm. If I clamp both sides to my bench by the runners without the spine in place, the holes don’t line up. Which is probably why I
I had such trouble with bolt alignment during assembly.
If I was to guess, I’d say that the right side part slipped slightly in the welding jig during fabrication.
So I have the unit assembled in my office. I have loosened all the hardware and attempted to gently persuade the spine into proper horizontal alignment with a pry-bar and a rubber hammer. I don’t want to risk damage to the until. I’m giving up. Until I hear from you.
I am a happy customer, but I need some help.