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Ergonomic Workstations and Surviving the Workweek

Working is simply a part of life. No matter how you slice it, you have to put forth the effort if you expect to reach any of your dreams and goals. Many of you bemoan the traditional office culture of sitting at a desk, cube or workstation for hours on end every weekday as they tend to leave you feeling unproductive and despondent.

The office where you work might not be a wretched hive of villainy and scum, but it’s not always the most pleasant place to be either. By the end of the week, work can leave you ready for a stiff drink and permanent vacation.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Besides, alcohol is never a solution. Well, most of the time it isn’t. Obutto, your source for ergonomic workstations, offers ways in which you can navigate through your workweek without totally losing your mind.

Eat Healthy and Drink Water

Maintaining a good diet and drinking plenty of water can make a big difference in your attitude and energy level. If you eat healthy, you feel healthy and better about yourself. So even bad days at work don’t leave you as frustrated.

Reward Yourself

Think of a reward that you can indulge in outside of work. For example, your reward could be a mini shopping spree or dinner and a movie. Positive aspects of your home life can influence how you feel at work. Plus, it is always nice to have something to look forward to after work.

Stay Away From Gossip

Gossip might be fun and interesting, but it could also bring you down. The deal here is that gossip has nothing to do with work and it can put you in a situation where you are not sure who can be trusted. After all, you never know what a gossiper says about you when you are not around.

Get Up Frequently

Long stretches spent at your workstation restrict your body and your mind. It is good for your body and your mind to get up as often as possible and move around. Experts say it is wise to get up and walk around at least once an hour.
You don’t need to take a long break, five minutes is enough to stretch out your limbs and get rejuvenated.

Rest Your Eyes

In this day and age, you spend countless hours staring at screens. You stare at your computer screens, tablet screens, television screens and cell phone screens. This prolonged exposure to screens is not good for your health.

So instead of checking Instagram while on your break or watching YouTube videos over lunch, take these opportunities to rest your eyes. Even a small break from screens will do you a world of good.

Keep Laughing

Your sense of humor is your friend during rough times at work. Never lose sight of that. Find some way to hold your perspective and laugh about certain situations.

Get Ergonomic

Poor ergonomics leads to frustrations and fatigue, which leaves you a very unhappy worker. Studies show that an ergonomic workstation will reduce pain. When you are in less pain, it is no surprise that you experience a boost in productivity. It also makes you happy.

Order your ergonomic workstation at Obutto.


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