Hey Chris,
I’m coming up on the first anniversary of my R3V. All my expectations of the product have been exceeded.
As a flight-simmer, primarily, I bought the flight accessory kit for the device and moved my Keyboard tray to the right side. I use a center joystick (which rotates out of the way) and the throttle is set up on the left.
With Track-IR and buttons on the throttle set up for communications I am truly HOTAS.
There have been no drawbacks to this set up and the quality of my flying experience has jumped an order of magnitude.
Yesterday I traded emails with Milan at MFG about his Crosswind rudder pedals (birthday coming up). I was very pleased that you are collaborating with him and he rightly recommended his ‘spacer’ accessory which allows trouble free operation with the R3V.
I’m intrigued about the direction on evolving the seat. Keep us informed of that.
I think I’ll buy a birthday cake for my R3V!
– Raider