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New and interested in the r3volution

Home Forums General discussion New and interested in the r3volution

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  • #5715

    Hey all!

    I’ve stumbled onto the R3volution recently, and it’s looked really interesting to me. I’m in desperate need of a new desk (current one is very small), and my chair is getting old, so I thought the R3volution looked cool since it could replace both of those things.

    I’m also a gamer. I play mostly FPS/MOBA games and looking forward to some space sims (Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen… Need I say more? 😀 ). I’m also a programmer so I spend a lot of my time typing.

    I’ve been doing a lot of reading about it, but I have a couple of questions before I take the plunge:

    1) Would there be any problems only using 2 of the 3 monitors for the triple monitor mount? I only have a dual screen setup (both of them different sizes/manufacturers too… not uniform at all).

    2) Does the seat soften up after use? I’ve noticed a few people mention in their review that the seat was a bit stiff, but I wonder if it would soften up after using it for a while.

    3) Are a wireless mouse/keyboard a MUST with the r3volution? I’m planning to get the new Das Keyboard mechanical keyboard, and that’s USB only, and my mouse is USB. Each of those cables are 6 feet long however.

    4) Finally, is now a good time to buy it? I just want to make sure that the week after I buy it the r3volution 2.0 doesn’t come out or something. 😛

    5) (Not Obutto specific) Does anyone know if the USA distributor (Main Performance PC) runs promos or discounts that I should look out for?

    Thanks guys! And thanks to Chris if he reads this for making the R3volution. It looks sweet! Hopefully I’ll be able to join the party soon.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Obutto.
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